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This is for anyone and everyone who has been in a relationship wants a relationship, are in a relationship, and others. Relationships aren’t always what people expect it to be. It takes work, dedication, and so much more. You have to be partners thru thick and thin. You have to be there number one support, there biggest fan, there love, and more. You have to be able to put them first even if it hurts you. Seeing them should always come first. This doesn’t mean if you are in a topics relationship you shouldn’t leave. You should hold yourself and the one you are with to standards. DO NOT BE A DOORMAT! YOU ARE WOTHER SO MUCH MORE! But a true partner wouldn’t do that to you. They will do as much as you do for them. YES life will kick you down once in a while but that cannot define the relationship. This is because love is love and you BOTH should come first. Ups and down will always happen and at times it will happen more than often but, with the right person next to you they are just days and not consequences. They are moments that happen and pass. Don’t let emotional moments, family, friends, ex’s, or who every brake you both apart. It’s not worth it. Even if they say you guys won’t work out or the age, color, race, or whatever the issued is. DON’T let it bring you down. True love always finds a way and each and every time it feels better. So if you are in love with someone right now or thinking about them text them “I love you” because you never know when it will be the last time. Remember all the great things in life are worth fighting for and LOVE is one of them.

Remember be weird, be you, be happy.

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