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When she says "I'm FINE"

When she says "I'm Fine" boy you know you are either in trouble, someone did something to her, she hungry, or lord knows what the hell happened to her. The phrase “I’m Fine” scares any man because it raises a red flag that something or everything is wrong. It means that someone, something, or a bad day has really pissed her off so much that she is ignoring the world. What is worse that no matter what you do or say it may or may not make it worse. Just let her vent, sleep, or whatever she wants to do. Because trying to make it better wont help and telling her that by saying fine you know something is wrong. It's just annoying to us females. At times we need to process everything or just be left alone. We also need time to be upset because if we do not we explode. So guys please be smart and when she says she is fine learn to pick your own battels because not all of our I'm fine is a bad one.

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