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Ideal Date

My ideal date

This may not be the ideal date for everyone or anyone else but my ideal date is ordering food, pjs on, horror movies/what he wants, video games, cuddles, and possibly a nap in the end. This would just be the perfect day. Away from the world but a place where I do not have to get dressed and can just be happy. An ideal date does not have to suit everyone as long as you both are happy is what matters. That is because it is a time for both of you to get closer and understand each other more. Ideal dates should be about having down time and having time to do what you both always wanted to do. But the best thing about it is that it’s a time to try new things or do things that are comfy for both. Don’t forget you ideal date wont be the same for all but as long it fits you both that is what really truly matters.

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