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There are some choices in life in that make us wonder the “what ifs” in life. Some choices are harder than others. Some choices in life lead us down different paths under different circumstances. Life choices at times make us do things that we do not really want to do but must do. Some other choices lead us to losing people that we care about or lose those who we believe that care about us. But life choices suck at times, this is because no matter what someone always gets hurt and at times we are the ones who get hurt. Choices don’t always mean that we have to give up something big it can be something small. One example of this is when we have to choose between loving ourselves or letting other hurt us. This hurts both parties because you lose someone that you care about and the other one is losing someone that they want. This is important because it shows that life choices at time you have to be personal but also you do know what will happen down the road. Worst part is that no matter what life choices you have to make remember always give it time. Always remember that you come first and you shouldn’t lower your stander for the other person or any person for that matter. Choices are the worst feeling at times but can always be the biggest blessing. Choices do all have to be bad some can be good and others can be hard. Like trying to find out where you are going to eat. These are the hardest but funny choices in life. But do worries no matter what choice you have to do or no matter where it leaves you the choice you make will help you in the future and shape you as a person itself. So it will be okay doing worry.

Remember be weird, be you, be happy

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