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10 Things that comfort me

Comfort items are things that you can have from childhood or something that you have acquired throughout the years or just something new. Comfort items are things that make us feel safe, loved, calm, and just right. These are things that help people though there hardest times and make them feel better. Even though comfort items for some may be small or something that a person will not understand it does not mean it doesn’t not comfort a person. A comfort item can be anything and don’t worry about what people say or think. Be happy and keep using it because if it helps than keep doing it.

  1. My red blanket

  2. This blanket has been a big part of my life. This blanket was given to me when I was a baby by my grandfather whom I love very dearly and have not seen in over 15 years. When I am sad or want comfort my blanket is my best friend.

  3. Beasty

  4. My teddy bear from build a bear which is from beauty and the beast. He is just amazing and at times smells like my boyfriend because he puts his cologne on him.

  5. Junk food

  6. Junk food is always a must!! It is a way to feel better and a way to get rid of whatever you are feeling. Junk food is a must and will always be the best part when I am feeling sad. (Yes, I love food)

  7. Music

  8. Music is a way to lose myself but also a way to feel better. At times I would listen to songs depending on my feelings but other times I’ll try to hear things that make me feel better and it works. Music at times is the best medicine because it helps you and also helps understand the world at times.

  9. Podcast

  10. Listening to a podcast makes me feel better when I want to escape the world and just be alone for a while. My favorite ones are about crime and serial killer. The podcast lets my mind wonder into a different mood and best part is after my podcast I feel better and can deal with people again.

  11. Writing

  12. Writing is one of my ways that I am able to escape and write down how I feel, how I want to feel, real things, fake things, and anything in general. Writing is comfort to me because when I cannot explain something or to upset writing helps put my mind at easy but also I am able to get my thoughts out and understand things better. Writing has helped me through my best and worst times and I couldn’t be happier I have this tool to help me.

  13. Reading

  14. Reading to some might be boring but to me it is the best. I love reading but I become WAY too involved in the book that I cry, scream, mad, and become scared depending what I am reading. At times I have thrown my book because I became upset at something or another time I have hurt myself by walking into the door or laying down an hitting my head. Reading helps but also gets me into trouble.

  15. Researching crimes

  16. This one might be a little weird but it’s something that keeps my mind busy and on other things. I am able to see what, where, how, when, and who committed a crime. This is interesting to me because I love it and truly makes me happy, but I am also learning new facts and learning new cases. Some can happen n someone own backyard or in a town close by.

  17. Word searches

  18. Word searches are one of the funniest but most annoying thing ever!! Reason why is because I am able to do it on free time and no one bothers me. But then I get that one word that I cannot find at all. It becomes annoying that I try so hard and find the other words that I don’t want to find till I find that one. But word searches are fun and annoying.

  19. My phone

  20. My phone is the best but most annoying thing ever. Because when I have my moments all I want to do is burry myself in my phone and away from the world and this at time helps but at times it doesn’t. The best part is that I can text, call, or just commutate with someone if needed. Or I can just listen to music, FB, Insta, or even games just to get away from life.

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