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5 things he does that annoy me

Ugh! As much as I love my boyfriend he does somethings that annoy the crap out of me. There are just times that I want to strangle him but I love him too much, than there are times where what he does is annoying but is so dam cute that I cannot be upset at him. Yes, we bother each other like crazy and joke on each other. But if you are in a relationship and cannot take a joke or they cannot than you need to reevaluate your relationship. Here are 5 things that he does that annoy the crap out of me but still love him.

  1. When he texts back with “k”

  2. YO!!! This has to be one of the most annoying things every!! Like why just the “k” especially after typing him something really long and the question is it okay. DON’T JUST ANSWER WITH K!! I UNDERSTAND YOU UNDERSTAND BUT I NEED MORE!!! LIKE UGH!! I GET SO MAD I DON’T LIKE RESPONDING IT OR JUST AT TIMES IGNORE THE “K”.

  3. When he snores when I’m really tired or in pain

  4. OH MY LORD!! There was a time when I was in the hospital and he took me/ stood with me. The pain was so much and he was tired/bored so he wanted to take a small nap. Well, yea not good for him. I snapped at him because he was snoring and I was in bad pain plus tired that I just wanted quite!!Another time is when we were sleeping he was snoring and the dogs and I lost it!! LIKE UGH I KNOW HE SNORES BUT DAMMM DOES IT HAVE TO BE EACH DAM TIME I'M TIRED OR IN PAIN!!??!

  5. When he becomes stubborn

  6. UGH!! When he is trying to do something or someone tells him he can’t he becomes so dam stubborn to get his way or to prove a point. For example, when I had a bad tooth pain. he went with me to the store to buy me orajel for my tooth that was killing me. he ended up trying to move pallets all by himself to get to it. UGH did that make me mad. Not for the fact he was trying to help me and he was worried but the fact the he could've been hurt. UGH MY STUBBRON BOYFRIEND WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT HIM! Still love him.

  7. When he in the middle on one sentences but cuts off to early and starts a new one

  8. Every time he is talking about something and randomly thinking or see something else the conversation switches so fast. He will be talking about something important and then a song will come on and he will tell me a random fact but yet forget the conversation we were having. Or when he is talking to me and then something pops into his mind and he says it and then I have no idea how the conversation will change. At times it can be annoying but it’s him and I love him plus all his random facts.

  9. When he leaves his hairs in the sink after shaving

  10. This annoys me the most out of all!! UGH when trying to brush my teeth, clean the sink, or anything by the sink there is hair!! UGH I HATE IT SO FREAKING MUCH!! Each time I clean it, it’s like more appears!! LIKE WHY CANT HE CLEAN!! He is lucky I love him oh so much.

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