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Ignorant People

Ignorant People

This will be a rant!!

One thing that pisses me off more than anything are ignorant people. It’s the kind of people that want the world to stop for them or do whatever they want them to do. The kind of people that say shit without thinking of those around them. The kind of people that think whatever they say is the last word and they can never be wrong. The kind of people that just have no consideration for anyone and talk shit about anyone and everyone than be a two face talking to them. FUCK THAT! If you are ignorant person and are near me please understand that I will tell you. Understand that you are just annoying and no one like you! We are just putting up with you because we have to. But understand all the slick comment and things you have been doing it has ALL been seen and noticed. But needless to say these are the type of people that you want to tell off but cannot because you either need you job or do not have bail money. shit happens But remember don't be that asshole because sooner or later someone will tell you off and you will feel stupid and be put into place!!

Remember be weird, be you, be happy

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