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So i dont not mind sharing my food at times, well sometimes. But when you take my food without asking OH M GOD is it bad. Well everyone around understands, knows, and respects this! However, the one person and only person that does not happens to be my boyfriend. Oh you have no idea how crazy this drives me and when he does this its drives me crazier. Like for example i will be eating something and then without warning r asking he just takes ones!! And at times it is the last one like my cookies!! There are these Maui Cookies that i love and ugh they amazing. Well i left them in his house how i was going the next day. Now mind you, you ever have that one food you are thinking about the whole day that you put away and you like YES WHEN I GET HOME I GET TO MUNCH OUT!! Well yeah that was me until i found out he ate them. Ugh so freaking annoying. At times it pisses me off to where i do not want to eat anymore. Ugh lucky i love and adore him. Rant over

Remember be weird, be you, be happy

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