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Things that always happen to me

Do you were feel that things just happen to you? Like bad luck or when something goes wrong nothing you do can fix it but just happens to make it super worse. That you feel life is getting you down and cant get up. Well guess what shit happens and i know how you feel because here are my to things that ALWAYS goes wrong for me and happens to me.

  1. Falling up the stairs

  2. My hobby must be falling. This is because it always happens even if i am careful. I stil. Fall and what’s funny is. Don’t fall down the stairs i fall going up the stairs. Like WTH who the hell does that. Why up the stairs!? It hurts more than falling down the stairs. Dude my knees, my legs, my shins, my everything hurt after falling. Like damn why my stairs stay beating me up each and every time.

  3. Dumb luck

  4. As you read before my luck is just dumb and one example other than the phone is me missing a step when walking. Like i take a double step and i end up tripping but not falling but when i keep walking i fall very nothing! Like really who does that how do i trip and not fall but when walking normal i just fall?! I’m telling you i have dumb luck

  5. Losing my pens

  6. This is a given. Losing my pens are just so damn annoying. Like i love my pens and hate losing them. But it always happens. I have a bad pen addiction but when i lose one i g crazy looking for it. But it never fails i frever buying and losing pens.

  7. My plastic spoons always breaking

  8. YO! This is the most annoying thing ever especially when I’m eating and it breaks. I get so upset. I would even rly or refuse to eat more. Like the spoon just left me. I bet it was calling me a fat ass or something. But damn it's the worst feeling because i feel betrayed by my own food and spoon. And sadly this happens more than often.

  9. I misplaced my phone

  10. This has to be the funniest, scariest, most annoying thing in the world. The reason why is because half the time i put it down n the kitchen or its in my hand. Like i never can keep my phone close to me. Thank god for my Apple Watch and the bing the phone thing on it. If not i would have had a dozen heart attacks by nw. I swear i lose my phone so much it should be a world record. Ugh it’s annoying as hell. Like now writing this i can't find my phone. Wish my luck.

  11. I drop food on me

  12. This is a no brainier happens to everyone right yea well it only happens to me if i wear white and if i have to go out. Doesn’t happen when i have other things on r going nowhere. NOPE happens to me when i need t stay my cleanest but also when i cannot afford to get dirty. Like ugh!! Shit happens but it okay. I always carry tie or something now. Because damm food makes me look like a piggy piggy.

  13. I say inappropriate things on accident

  14. This happens more than often and i don't catch it till someone says something or they laugh. This is because at times i think things and say them before thinking and what comes out isn't pretty at all or its funny as hell. But hey it happens and at times i can catch myself but then there are times that i walk into comments or sayt things that i should not.

  15. I trip over anything and everything

  16. The floor and i are best of friends. We truly are. That is because i'm always tripping or air or up the stairs. Which is funny because one time i was talking and walking with one of my friends and next thing i know i'm on the floor and they are laughing. I'm like what the heck happened i just busted my ass literally on NOTHING. UGH im clumsy but it's okay.

  17. I lose my socks

  18. My socks disappear on its own or my dog just loves chewing on them. Either way i freaking lose socks like crazy. Bad part is that i love the fuzzy socks because they keep my feet so darn warm and it is amazing. But what is not amazing is losing them because then im stuck with one sock and going crazy looking for the other one. This is why each time i go out i end up buying a new pair of socks because this is now killing me slowly. I NEED MORE SOCKSSSS!!!!!!!

These are just a few things that always happen me. Its like i know it's coming so i joke about it and when it happens i'm like SEE it happened. Joke on me. But what can i do but use it to my advantage and just and hope that i what always happen to doesn't happen on my worst days. But even if it does just smile and laugh because life goes on and they make on hell of a story on a bad day.

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