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Karma a bitch

Ever had that moment where you are okay and out of nowhere you have to pee badly!?! Like so bad that you want everyone to move out the way to run to a bathroom. Or when people try touching, tickling, or anything to make you laugh because you gotta pee. Yeah that’s messed up but it we all have done it. Lol But the worst ones are when you are in the car and there is nowhere to stop and you don't want to pee outside. Well, let me tell you be ready for karma when you do this. Let me tell you a little story. Well one day my boyfriend and i decided to grab something to eat after he got out of work and all. Now he had to pee but said he could wait till we got home. (That wouldn’t be till about 2 hours later) It was one of our late days and a day he had overtime and got out around 4ish or 5. So we went to eat and all now I’m like baby go pee before we leave. He say. Nah baby i could wait I’m like OKAYYY. NOT EVEN 10 minutes into the ride i see it! The i gotta pee face. Now i start laughing and poking his belly. Now he is screaming and jumping all over saying stop i gotta pee i gotta pee. Now I’m laughing even more. Well after we get home i walk user slow and try too delay him. But when he did pee i was laughing because i told him to go pee before. Now fast forward 2 weeks it happened to me. I had to pee but decided i would wait till we got to his house cause it was only 30 minutes away I’m like yea i got this. Well we hit traffic and then he decided to hit every damm bump n the road. I wanted to die!!! I HAD TO PEE SO FREAKING BAD YET HITTING EVERY BUMP DID NOT HELP NOPE IT DIDN'T!! But moral of the story be ready for karma because it will happen and the other person WILL LAUGH THEY WILL

Remember be weird, be you, be happy

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