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Ugh Days!!!

You ever have those days that you just don’t want to get up or do anything even though you know you have to. Those days that you contemplate everything in life. For example, do you really need that job, do you really have to move today, just everyday things that you have to do but just plain don’t want to do. Yeah well it’s one of those days for me today. I just want to stay in bed and forget the world. I just want to cuddle with my fur babies, read a book, and maybe some hot coco or wine. Needless to say i still got up and had to do what i need to do. As much as i hate to do anything to day i still get up and get ready with the rest of my day. This is because i need to stay productive. If i do not then who knows what will happen and a day will be lost for nothing. So it’s okay to feel like that and it’s okay to at times do nothing and take a mental health day. But also understand that at times you need to stay active so you do not fall into that depressed or unknowing mood. Remember be weird, be happy, be you

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