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The 100th blog post!!! Men are not smart at times

Ahhhh we made 100!!!!! Thank you for all the support and love you have given to this blog!! We truly apperciate it thank you!!! Now on to today blog about how men are sometimes not smart!!

Look at times men have their moments were you look at them with a WTF face but it's at times cute so you let it go. Other times its the wtf how could you be so cute but stupid, annoying, dumb and what the hell did you just say face. All wrapped into one. For more than a few females we have a man in our lives that we love but want to kill at times. Look we love you guys but at times wonder did you get dropped on your head or were you just not thinking. I have a little story to back this up. My amazing, cute, loving man was home alone one day with his best friend. Now this best friend isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Now i love his best friend he hella cool but cannot be left unsupervised. Wellllll that's what happened. And my hubby who is a woodworker used a bandsaw to cut a bar of soap. Like whyyyy. Do you understand how bad the tool was after. And worst part he didn’t tell me till I asked why was the tool not working like it needed to and then he told me. Well guys that was it i lost it i was laughing so hard. Like why why would you do that. But to this day about a year or so later i still use it and tell the store of the bandsaw. Ughh men aren’t smart but at times they can make you laugh so hard. Remember be weird, be you, be happy  

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