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When he cheats on me in my dreams

Hahaha okay okay okay this has happened to everyone or will happen to everyone at least one time in their lifetime. This is funny because that is when the man knows he has reached a certain point in the relationship where he is stuck and she has officially gone crazy for a moment lol. Here is a little story of what happened to my boyfriend when he cheated on me in my dreams. We were taking a nap after a long day of doing errands and just having fun. It was about 30 minutes into the nap and then it happened. I ended up hitting him and yelling at him that he cheated on me in my dreams. Now he did not know what was going on. He was barley awake and scared for a moment. Now I’m telling him what he did he telling me it was a dream. I did not care he still did it. SO i told him tell her in your dreams that its over and he answered okay. Meaning that he saw her in his dreams. Well i lost it!! Oh my lord it was bad. This went on for maybe 40 minutes before i went back t obed. But i did not want him to cuddle with me lol. It was bad. Now fast forwarding it a couple of days/months we are telling the story to others and he said that i bugbunnied him and oh my lord was i laughing. All the guys we talk to take his side and all the females take mine. Poor guys that have to go through this. Moral of the story DONT CHEAT ON US IN OUR DREAMS. It never ends well for anyone.  

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