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when mom doesn't answer

Why the hell do mothers have phones??!?! They never answer!! Yet when they call us if we do not answer on the first ring lord help us. They will call non stop till we do and if we don't then there goes the FBI, CIA, Secret services everyone looking for. Not knowing you are busy or taking a nap. Like ughh. Or the worst when you call them right back literally 2seconds from missing their call and they do not answer. WTF did you throw your phone into the river or across the room not to answer me. Like what the hell. Than you guys get mad when we do not pick up fast enough, Like you do understand that we do not have superpowers for that right. You do know at times we have so much going on that at times we cannot answer the phone or we cannot talk at that moment. OH MY GOD or when they text.They think at times we are google. If not that’s their way of guilt tripping you. With the oh i need to text you cause you dont answer the phone. Are you okay. You dont love me. Is this the new talk now. It’s always a mess. I tell you mothers at times will kill us by guilt, scarring us,or sending us messages that are incomplete and scare the crap out of us. But hey we love them and cannot live without them. So guys love your mom even if she drives you up the wall at times calling you non stop or texting you.

Remember be weird, be you ,be happy

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