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Work after the Holidays

AHHH UGHHH NOOO!!! I hate when holidays land on a weekday because that means the next day there is work. Which everyone hates cause shit happens and we need to make a living and pay bills. Work after the holidays or even one holiday is a killer. This is because we are tired, cranky, need a nap, annoyed and it plan sucks. I hate it cause the day is soo dam long man. I start to wonder and stare at the time. Like when is lunch, will there be stupid people, can i leave early, is it time to leave yet, can i sneak in a nap, is the weekend here yet, what should i eat for lunch, and so much more. Lol Than i notice that i need to start waking up cause it will be a long day and feel like the longest work day ever. Than it hits me!! COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE GET SOME COFFEE AND FOOD. Big mistake on the food cause food coma kicks in and i'm a mess again. FMLLL! Than people think that you want to talk to them at 8-9am like na chill man. I'm not even awake yet let alone have answers for you. Sorry. I just want to go home and sleep. Not only that but everyone in the office half asleep and we dont want to work so please leave, dont talk to much, or ask stupid idiotic questions please!!! Cause sarcasm is available and ready for use you all been warned. Only wish i can say that instead of yes can i help you, sure I can do that, nope wrong dep, ect. But then i realize and remember!! I LEAVE EARLYYYY WHOOOHOOO FREEDOM FREEDOM!!! BYEEEE SUCKERS

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