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Lunch Breaks

UGh!! I hate when people bother me during my lunch hour. Like wth man dont you understand that at times i just want to be alone. Not only that but i dont bother people when they are on lunch WHY the hell bother me. I dont mind helping at times but dude not all the time. I hate when people get mad when i am on lunch and ask to take a message LIKE JUST TAKE A NAME AND NUMBER THAT'S IT!!! But god forbid I call, text, or even ask you something during your lunch. You would think that the freaking world has ended. UGH I hate people and at times taking lunch is hell. Like people need to understand LUNCHTIME IS MY TIME!! OKAY UNDERSTAND BOTHER ME AND I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR I!!! Ughh end rant 

Be weird, be you, be happy

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