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5 ways to bother my boyfriend

Muahah this is by far going to be my mission for the this week. Now i know this may sound mean but its not. We are the type of couple who love to bother each other and also love to make each other laugh. Best part is that when i bother him i know he will get me back and its the cutest thing ever. I love how we are and love how we are able to play with each other and not get mad. I mean at times we do but get over it super fast cause we know its a joke. But here are 5 things I'm planning to do to him this week.

1. Grabbing his booty (in public and private)

this is because he gets so embarrassed and i love it because he gets so red and it is soooo cute!! UGH

2. Licking his arm.

I find this funny as hell because each and every time he looks at me and gets me back. It is funny as hell cause he tries to lick me back but cant. :D love it

3. Stealing his t-shirt

this is my favorite and his less favorite. That is because i always love to sleep in his shirts and take them home. Worst part is i always tell him that that i will bring them back but don't. He hates this but this is my favorite thing to do.

4. Hiding around the house

This always freaks him out but i find kinda funny. This is because he thinks I'm in one room when i will be in another and then freaks out trying to find me. Knowing dam well i like to wonder and how i like to get lost or even be alone. But doing it knowing just to pop up and scare him is the best!!! Sorry baby love you.

5. Fake falling into his arms

This has to be the cutest/ most annoying thing i can do to him. This is because he always scared that i am going to fall and get hurt. Not only that but he alwasy catches me which is super cute. And then tells me not to do it again knowing dammm well i am!! Lmao get ready baby!

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