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Men Burping

Heyyy Y'all!! Today blog was topped picked by you guys on twitter!! Super excited to have such amazing support and feedback from you all. Not only that but letting you guys pick out topics will happen more often!! Stay tuned on insta and twitter for those polls to come out. Now to today's topic of Men Burping.

Ughh this has to be the most annoying thing that can happen at times. Not only that men don't seem to understand how much at times this pisses us off. Like if we at home ugh fine shit happens. We home and alone or even with some close and i mean CLOSE friends. That is fine even if we are alone. I mean yea its annoying but it's okay. I can deal with that. But why burp in public. And if you do, why does it have to be so damn loud. Why can't you burp a little quieter or even just low. Like why!? Why so freaking loud man! UGH then people look and i have to five the resting bitch face. Lord help me with this man and to all those with men like this. I don't mind it happening but when they do burp its right in your face. They say its on accident fine BUT TRY NOT TO DO IT. TRUST ME ITS ANNOYING AND SMELLS I HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT EVERY FREAKING DAY OF MY LIFE.

Short story time: One day hubby and I are happy and just us. Like we always are cuddling, playing around, giving kisses and BAM! It happened. Hubby burped in my face. He felt so bad but i almost died. Really i almost died. I think I lost brain cells, eyebrows and my nose ran away. I was pissed but understand after almost 3 years it happens. And he cannot control it BUT MAN IS IT FREAKING ANNOYING AS FUCK!!! Ugh i hate this shit. Short Story done!!

So yea ladies and gentleman shit happens let's get over it and deal with it. Yea it can be annoying but think about it “if there ever is a time where I do not have this person, I will miss this.” So yea men can be annoying with this bad habit but its okay because I would rather be annoyed by it then miss it.

Remember be weird, be happy, be you

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