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Guys update on life


Why does life have to be so hard at times? Not only thy but why the hell does everything happen back to back. So here is a little update on what has been happening the last two months.

1. my mental health was terrible.

i was in a bad state of mind. I did not want to do anything, talk to anyone, or just be bothered with anything not even with S.I.T. I wanted to just be alone and do nothing. However, Los really helped me and got me not to a place where I'm not always a 100% but i am getting better. So i am thankful for that. Plus thanks to him we have new material and new topics to talk and red about. I missed this so much.

2. had to work on my relationship

relationships are not easy especially when you have a mental health issue that you are also dealing with and not only that but also holding things in to much. It hurt our relationship in a different way. It hurt it because we both wanted to keep each other happy but was not begin true to us and our relationship. BUT after talking, crying and understanding we are okay. We had to have this happen in order to take the next step in our relationship. And believe it or not but we are now happier then we were before and a whole lot honester to. So yea relationships are hard but that's okay because with the right person you will be happy and get through anything.

3. work has really been getting to me

work has not been the best lately. They have been giving me more responsibility which i love but also have not been able to get me time. But that has all changed and is going to change.That is because i am now putting me first and i will not let this job get to me or the public. I have to remind myself that i do not look cute in orange or on the first 48. wise not the best

My health was not a best. It still is not the best but we are trying to work on that. When your mental health is not the best it takes a toll on your whole body and that is what happened to me. However, when taking care of one your body seems to normalize and that is whats happening and I'm super happy about that.

5.road to recovery

This has to be my favorite hardest part of life as of right now. I been feeling amazing but also scared at the same time. This is because life has been getting better but now that it is, its also moving so freaking fast. Recovery road has showed me so many things especially who has been there for me and who has not. Who has wanted me to fail and who has wanted to see me get better. So yea excited to see where this road leads me.

Remember be weird, be happy, be you

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