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Anxiety Sucks

Anxiety suck! Anxiety could be start with something small that all triggers you and then next thing you know you are a hot mess not knowing what emotion to feel feel nor how to handle things. Anxiety isn’t the best thing and at times can be dangerous. With that said let's talk about 5 ways to help with anxiety.

  1. Take a break

  2. Take 5-10 mins to just see what is really going on. To just step back and understand what is happening

  3. Take deep breaths

  4. This will help you trust me. If you have control of your breathing then you have control of life. One step at a time.

  5. Find your happy place mentally

  6. Find a place that makes you happy or a happy thought. I know its hard but try and once you do hold on to it and calm yourself down. It will be okay

  7. Do your favorite hobby even if you do not want to

  8. Do something that always have made you happy even if you do not want to. This is because once you get moving or start doing something you love everything starts to calm down.

  9. Talk to someone

  10. Talk to someone you trust. Talk about what is happening, how you feel and just anything at all. Find your one person that helps you and not hinder you. Find someone that will help you understand and grow. It will all be okay

So guys yea anxiety sucks but it will all be okay. I promise you this!

Remeber be weird, be happy, be you

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