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Random things i want to do

Do you ever have those moments where you just want to do all random things? Like what the hell. You can be on the phone, walking, thinking or just about to fall asleep and bam you start doing/thinking about random things. Here is a list of 20 things that I started writing each time I became bored and thought of something random to do.

  1. Build a pillow fort

  2. Nap

  3. Watch a horror movie w. Popcorn

  4. Eat pizza

  5. Get my nails done

  6. Play video games

  7. Read a book or two

  8. Watch the stars

  9. Sit in the back of the truck

  10. Long conversations

  11. Watch the sunset

  12. Listen to my favorite song

  13. Hear a podcast

  14. Drink coffee or tea

  15. Lay down with the dogs

  16. Go to Barnes and noble/ Disney store

  17. Online shopping

  18. Getting new pens

  19. Watch beauty and the beast

  20. Finally, hear the rainfall or wind blowing

These are just somethings that make me happy but love to do when I am bored. Some of these habits started when I was a kid and others I got into as I grew older. No matter what though have fun with those random moments because in the end that what life is about. Have fun and do grow up so fast.

Remember be weird, be happy, be you

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