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Hi all we have missed you

HEYYYY GUYS!! WE HAVE MISSED YOU!! Ohh how we have a long story and apology to tell you all. First thing first, hiiii. Secondly, we are sorry. Thirdly, let’s get started on a crazy timeline from March till now. So lets start.

March- as many you know I had trouble with the internet and all that BUTTTT YALLL LOS AND I MADE IT EVEN MORE OFFICIAL BY MOVING IN TOGETHER FULL TIME. Yup that means packing all my things from my mom and dad house (still havent finished) and moving it to his house. The doggies are super happy lol. Plus we are happy and learning to live with each other. Yay. Moving to April

April- As many of you know Covid-19 hit. So that sucks big time because work just got even crazier like working everyday and just making sure that los and I were safe. Everything was cancelled meaning Los was able to stay home most of the time only going to work once a week. (luck ass) but happy that he is safe. But yea zero time for us or anything. Moving to May

May- Coco our Pit Mix got hurt. She ended up with a blood blister but thankfully with a long time dealing with the Vet/Meds and work we were able to handle it and she got better. Los is now able to go to work. Now we are in JUNE!!!

June- We're back and excited. Rant and Podcast coming soon!! Life yea been crazy but now a lot has calmed down and we have kinda schedule down and just happy to be back.

SO yea that was our long three-four months. But we are sorry that we have been away but we will make it up to everyone really soon!!!

Remember be weird, be you , be happy

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