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Coivd part 2

Part two!! In the last blog post I talk about 3 out of the 6 things that have led most people into depression and anxiety in the last year due to Covid-19.

  1. Income

    1. This has been a big struggle for everyone who has been dealing with COVID. Reason why is because of job cuts, hours cut, business closing and so much more. Some unfortunately are not making the income that they used to and it is hurting them tremendously. In the end we all have to stay together and help each other as much as we can.

  1. Feeding their family

    1. Some worry about how they are going to feed their families. Between people buying up all the food or some may not have enough for food it puts a big strain on everyone. Some can’t afford to feed the kids and would starve for their kids. While others are living alone and can’t even eat correctly due to financial struggle. It’s upsetting but in the end we will be okay and we will get through all this.

  1. Working from home

    1. Working from home some find it amazing but for some it’s hard especially if you have little ones in school or even big ones in school. This whole online school thing sucks!! Yes I said what I said . It sucks and I feel for the kids. They want to see their friends and teachers and don’t understand fully what is going on. They should be in school having fun and learning. The teachers are trying hard but some kids just don’t learn like others and at times online learning isn’t easy. Especially also for high school and college students. It’s just heartbreaking but I am applauding you parents, guardians, siblings, and anyone helping parents out with at home learning and at home working. You all rock.

Remember be weird, be you, be happy


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