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Its been a month

Hey, guys so this last month has been a killer on me mentally. Let me start off with that some kids are not easy to take care of. Not only that but it gives you an insight on how some parents would rather give their child everything than show them responsibility. That I will get into later. Along with that, I have been dealing with my own emotions and my own thoughts. I have also taken a few hours working at my old job to have a little Christmas money. I am exhausted. And lastly, I found out someone from my past is was not doing well and sadly he did not make it to the end of the year. But I will be posting either today or tomorrow the finished list of horror movies. So let's get into it.

  1. The kind of parents would rather give their child everything than show them responsibility.

    1. These are the kind of parents that give their kids everything but do not show them manners. Like I understand I do. You want to give your kids everything you did not have but not to show them manners or have to be grateful for what they have is not fair. I may seem like an asshole but dam I been doing this babysitting way too long and during this pandemic I have seen kids get whatever they want but yet still not be grateful for what they have. and the worst part is they keep asking for shit that they do not need but want it because they know they can con the other parent. Lord help me but vent over.

  1. A few hours more like 40 hrs a week

    1. How the holidays are here means gifts for those who matter the most to you. But this year is a little different due to covid. So shopping is different and celebrating is different. But I decided to take on a few hours at my old job so I can buy some extra gifts plus shop online to make things easier. Plus it is an extra income that can help us get through the holidays and after the holidays.

  1. Dealing with my own emotions and my own thoughts

    1. This one has to be the hard one. This is because between quitting my job (now only went back because of the hours for Christmas), doing my nanny job, lack of time for me, and just other things going on it takes a toll on me. I have had zero time for me making sure that everyone is okay that I have forgotten to do things that make me happy. So been trying to get all that in order.

  1. Someone from my past

    1. This one hits a little differnt. Someone I know from my past passed away recently so I been dealing with that along with in the same month my grandmother 10 year anni that she has passed. So mentally it has been draining and just trynig to pick up again.

Remeber be weird, be happy, be you


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